Saturday, February 2, 2008
About me/45%
What Is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia (pronounced: dis-lek-see-ah) is a type of learning disability. A person with a learning disability has trouble processing words or numbers. There are several kinds of learning disabilities; dyslexia is the term used when people have difficulty learning to read, even though they are smart enough and are motivated to learn. The word dyslexia comes from two Greek words: dys, which means abnormal or impaired, and lexis, which refers to language or words.
Dyslexia is not a disease. It's a condition that you are born with, and it often runs in families. People with dyslexia are not stupid or lazy. Most have average or above-average intelligence, and they work very hard to overcome their learning problems.
Looks exciting, but I dunno, I didn't really like the first movie honestly, it's not that I hate Transformers (cuz I love Transform...
Ok, to explain the recent posts, I only posted stuff to knock the insanely large Wave I (accidentally) created , off of the front page. I&...
We don't support IE6 on this blog (because it's too much of a hassle to design for) and I hate it alot so to help the hundreds of an...