Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Chronic-What?-cles of Narnia!
I know I'm late (at least to heavy SNL fans), I just borrowed the Lonely Island CD from a friend and have been listening to it ever since.
Friday, June 26, 2009
HTC Hero
I've got to say I like this (except for the fact that it doesn't have updates over the air like the G1).
Running with Flash Player 10 installed, a social contacts system reminiscent of the Palm Pre and multi-touch this sounds like something close to an iPhone killer.
And it really solidifies an argument I've stated to my friends that the iPhone should support Mac OS X widgets (I'm really hopeful that Google will make an app that allows Google Desktop gadgets and iGoogle gadgets to be displayed on an Android device).
(Sources: Google Blogoscoped and Engadget)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
R.I.P. - Michael Jackson
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Xbox 360 And Facebook Games Can Interact With Each Other
Sent via Google Reader:
One of my favorite features on the iPhone version of Scrabble is the ability to play against other people through Facebook. They're the exact same game and through Facebook Connect, people can word battle one another, despite being on completely different platforms. With Facebook Connect coming to Xbox 360 later this year, could we see similar connectivity between Xbox 360 and Facebook games?
"Absolutely," Facebook's head of platform Ethan Beard told me back at E3. "Yeah, totally. That's a simple one -- that's an easy one. There's probably things that we haven't even thought of [coming later]."
Running with the Scrabble example -- Scrabble already exists on Microsoft's platform through Xbox Live Arcade. Electronic Arts has produced the Facebook, iPhone and Xbox 360 versions of Scrabble and was the first company to announce support for Facebook Connect on Xbox 360 with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. There's nothing stopping them from introducing this platform-to-platform connectivity.
"You literally can make a move on Scrabble on your iPhone [and] your girlfriend can make the countermove on the PC," said Beard, "and logically, you could make it on the TV now with our Xbox announcement."
The ball is in EA's court. If they introduced this feature, would you use it?
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The Outlet Wall
Thursday, June 18, 2009
I was going to avoid posting this originally, but as an avid Gundam fan I couldn't resist (especially since Gundam 00 was awesome).
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
USB rechargeable batteries
Is this real? and Why is this not in stores right now? Click here to read more.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A blatant example of Disney having too much money
This is pretty cool though.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Golden Sun DS
I've been waiting for this. Honestly though, this video says nothing, it looks more like a tech demo than a trailer (I'm just glad that Golden Sun is back, hopefully this warrants a playable character in the next Smash Bros instead of just an assist trophy).
The DSi seriously needs a Virtual Console so that I can play the first two games again.
The Zune HD
Honestly because of all of the better news that has come out recently I considered not writing about it, but I kinda promised I would so here's my rant on the Zune HD.
I was actually excited about it and still am in a way, but there's a few factors that kill the excitement for me.
#1. It runs Internet Explorer.
I always mention in arguments that Microsoft needs to utilize the fact that they own a web browser and implement it in more of their products like the XBox 360, but one thing always comes to mind and that's the fact that Internet Explorer sucks.
IE8 was the first to pass the Acid2 test, which is nice but sad as Mozilla, Apple, Google and Opera are all well on their way to making their browsers pass the Acid3 test.
As a web designer with a love for new technologies it annoys me that IE8 a browser with alot of market share doesn't comply with the most valuable ones.
SVG, Canvas tag, Audio and Video tags, HTML5 Offline Storage, CSS Border Radius, etc...
All things I can't use because too many people that view the sites I design, still use Internet Explorer.
#2. No Apps.
Honestly for a company that is known for making operating systems and holds such a monopoly on them, it's a little sad to know that in the Zune HD announcement we didn't hear anything of applications.
I mean we may see an application feature over time (like with the iPhone) but to not have it at launch especially when it affects the decision of buyers greatly is a foolish move.
Especially since the Zune kernel is Windows CE, and Microsoft is doing so much work to make Windows Mobile look appealing to the public.
People aren't into buying products that only provide one thing anymore, more and more they want handheld PCs, and that's not something you can overlook.
#3. Reputation.
This one's easy. Microsoft still isn't viewed as a company as hip as Apple, plus the first Zune didn't do so well, and alot of people have already invested in an iPod Touch or iPhone.
I don't think I need to say more.
What I think.
Honestly, I think this thing has a chance. I don't think Microsoft is dumb enough to throw this out there without first noting that users love iPod/iPhone apps, and I think they're bound to unveil some interesting social features with it.
The big picture right now, especially with E3 coming up is that Microsoft has alot of competitors in this field now, possibly with better products.
You have the iPhone/iPod Touch and now the PSP GO! along with alot of Android powered stuff.
Edit: Now that Microsoft has revealed Facebook, Twitter and support for Live I wonder if these networks will integrate with the Zune.
Metroid: Other M
Ok, so I was going to post about the Zune next but I just decided it wasn't worth this slot, so here's Metroid.
This just looks spectacularly kick ass and I'm not really into Team Ninjas games except for Dead or Alive 2 for Dreamcast.
Ok, to explain the recent posts, I only posted stuff to knock the insanely large Wave I (accidentally) created , off of the front page. I...
Looks exciting, but I dunno, I didn't really like the first movie honestly, it's not that I hate Transformers (cuz I love Transform...
(Source: . Cross posted from Acrylic Style )