Ok, so when I had first switched comments to JS-Kit, I felt the interface was ugly and that I couldn't wait for Disqus to add Blogger syncing and Friend Connect support to bring it back to this blog.
Now I find it bearable and I like the fact that the JS-Kit team was ahead of me and added the ability to change the theme of the comment box with CSS, plus over time they started to add features that other services don't have like Google Friend Connect support and so on, so I stuck with them.
Now my reason for sticking to JS-Kit is even larger as they've displayed a large upgrade to their existing commenting system called Echo.
Now I don't mean to advertise for them but Echo is this great expansion to commenting that in real-time draws comments from sites all over the web about your post to your blog, allowing you to increase engagement ten fold via sites like FriendFeed, Twitter, Facebook, even Delicious.
I think just for posting a blog post about Echo I've also posted on their example pages comment box.
All in all to end this post quick so that I don't go off on a rant, I plan to increase engagement on this blog through FriendFeed, I was originally going to code this crafty comment box that'd take comments from FriendFeed and Google Friend Connect but instead I'll just go with JS-Kits Echo.
EDIT: We just got the ECHO comment box on our site, still don't have the cool social gestures feature yet though (I plan to pay for it in the future).