Friday, November 20, 2009
Silverlight 4 rundown
Honestly if I wasn't such a web nerd, I'd swear from the first few things they mentioned about being "converted over to the Microsoft minions" and being a "Silverlight evangelist", I'd swear this was some colt introduction video.
But aside from that, Silverlight 4 is awesome boasting a 200% speed increase and a lot of new features such as multi-touch, camera and microphone access, drag and drop, copy and paste, right-click and mouse wheel support, app notifications, the ability to call external programs for tasks like editing documents or sending e-mails, the ability to read and write files (though limited to the MyDocuments, MyMusic, MyPictures and MyVideos folders or non-windows equivalents), the ability to access devices and other system capabilities (like grabbing files from a USB drive), and the ability to place HTML right in your Silverlight application.
Now all Silverlight needs is hardware accelerated 3D and support for joystick input.
Ok, to explain the recent posts, I only posted stuff to knock the insanely large Wave I (accidentally) created , off of the front page. I...
Looks exciting, but I dunno, I didn't really like the first movie honestly, it's not that I hate Transformers (cuz I love Transform...
(Source: . Cross posted from Acrylic Style )