Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Obamas Mac Book
I barely post anything on Obama, mainly because it's a trend that I don't see purpose in.
He's cool though and I agree with basically everything he says, but I just avoid the typical Obama's Blackberry posts.
All I must say is the Mac Book Air and Pac Man sticker says alot about our 44th president, and I don't have to utter it to the 80s/90s born crowd.
(Image thanks to Marketing Nirvana)
Looks exciting, but I dunno, I didn't really like the first movie honestly, it's not that I hate Transformers (cuz I love Transform...
Ok, to explain the recent posts, I only posted stuff to knock the insanely large Wave I (accidentally) created , off of the front page. I...
(Source: Destructoid.com . Cross posted from Acrylic Style )